Undithe Poie

Every year during our 2 month long summer vacations when we travelled to Coorg, we would spend a lot of time hanging out at home. Life had a rhythm to it. You'd wake up really early head to the kitchen for a cup of coffee or tea, eat some delish breakfast and follow that with another cup of tea or coffee and then basically hang around reading the newspaper or take a nap or go for a walk in the estate if it's not too hot. And the day would go by precisely that lazily. Unless, you were going out visiting other relatives. Then you'd wake up every morning and be engulfed in a rush of activities, everything would need to be done with speed so you could depart at a reasonable hour. Often when people ask me what Coorg is like I describe it to be acres of coffee estate after coffee estates one after the other - often looking like one big estate itself. Often interspersing this view are occasional paddy fields. Chances of one coming across a house or people are rare when you'...